The mission of the Baker-Nord Scholars program is to help humanities students identify their academic passions and pursue their life goals. The program offers our Scholars the experience of a small liberal arts college within the setting of a world-class research university. It supplements their major studies and fosters interdisciplinary connections across the campus and the community.

Each cohort of Baker-Nord Scholars are selected by the Office of Undergraduate Admission when they apply to CWRU. Scholars who continue on to major in one or more of the College’s humanities disciplines are eligible to use their $500 stipend at any time during their second-, third-, or fourth-year at CWRU.

The Baker-Nord Scholars Stipend can be used for anything that directly suppports your academic and intellectual growth, including travel for research, conferences, or creative activities. If you are unsure about a proposal or would like to refine your ideas before submitting this request form, please reach out to your HUMN-101 professor for advice.

Eligible students should request to use their stipend as soon as they have concrete plans for utilizing these funds to support their intellectual growth. Requests are submitted through this ONLINE FORM.  When you complete the form, you also need to contact your major advisor to request that they write a short email indicating their support for your proposed project / activity.

Stipend requests will be reviewed by the Baker-Nord Institute Staff each month. Requests will either be approved, contingently approved (pending suggested modifications), or denied. If your first idea is not approved, you can submit another request.

The review process can take up to two weeks. After your request is approved, you can count on being reimbursed for the expenses related to your request (food, travel, lodging, supplies, etc.), up to the maximum $500. If you receive other CWRU funding for this project, it will be tallied separately. Please note that your total CWRU funding cannot exceed the total costs for your project/activity. Also note that the university cannot reimburse you for certain purchases (like alcohol) regardless of whether you are of legal age in the state/territory where that purchase is made.

You will need to save all of your itemized receipts and credit card bills, then submit them in one batch once your project is complete. Once you have submitted your receipts, it usually takes 1 – 2 weeks for your reimbursement to finish processing through the central CWRU payment system. Students who foresee undue financial burden from this reimbursement process should contact their HUMN-101 instructor to inquire about alternative procedures.