We are proud to continue to offer the Feldman Summer Internship Grants, which empower CWRU humanities and social science students to explore their passion and curiosity through an internship experience of their choice.

Two grants of $4,000 each are available this year. To be considered for a Feldman Grant, you must be an undergraduate CWRU student with demonstrated financial need and majoring in the humanities or social sciences. Preference will be given to underrepresented students.

Eligible majors are those associated with CAS departments in the Humanities and Social Sciences, including: Anthropology, Art History, Chinese, Classics, Cognitive Science, Communication Sciences, Dance, English, French, Japanese, German, History, the History & Philosophy of Science, International Studies, Music, Music Education, Philosophy, Political Science, Pre-Architecture, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Spanish, Theater, Women’s and Gender Studies, and World Literature.


There is one central application for all of the Baker-Nord Institute’s Summer Funding Opportunities, including the Humanities@Work Summer Stipends, the Feldman Grants, and the C.H. Cramer Fellowships. Please visit our Summer Funding Application page for complete guidelines and instructions to apply. That page also includes some helpful resources, including budget- and resume-writing tips, what to expect if you win an award, and more information about how the stipends are disbursed.


Recipients Internship Site Major(s)
2024  Malachi Levy ’25 Beck Center for the Arts
Lakewood, Ohio
2024  Kintan Silvany ’25 School of Humanities (SoH)
Dubai, UAE
International Studies
2023  Savannah Gazda ’24 Yoga and Sport with Refugees
Lesvos, Greece
International Studies
Political Science
2023  Margaux Johnstone ’24 Upper Tibetan Children’s Village Refugees
Dharamshala, India
International Studies
2022 Laila Michel ’23 Clarity Global
Climate Change Communications
Cape Town, South Africa
Cognitive Science
International Studies
2022 Sidney Negron ’23
Encyclopedia of Cleveland History
Research and LGBTQ Archival Intern
Cleveleland, OH
2021 Ellen Haag ’22 Spice Acres Inc.
Hospitality and Garden
Cleveland, OH
Religious Studies
2021 Grace Ingham ’23 Cleveland Playhouse
Costume and Design
Cleveland, OH
2020 Shanice Gitau ’23 Manna Project International
Communications and Development
Quito, Ecuador
International Studies
2020 Jahci Perry-Richardson ’21 Forest Hills Publishing
Health and Psychology Division
New York, NY
2019 Fatima Rahman ’21 Catholic Charities
Cultural Orientation and Community Outreach
New Orleans, LA
International Studies
Social Justice
2019 Emma Risley ’20 Strawbery Banke Museum
Research and Special Events
Portland, OR
Political Science